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Government Of Assam Women & Child Development Directorate of Women and Child Development

Statutory Bodies under ICDS

  • The state government has created different statutory bodies at various for inter-sectoral convergence to support quality implementation of ICDS. The state government has also notified these committees with details of constitution, frequency of meetings and role and responsibilities of these committees for coordinated functioning.

    Convergence and coordination is inbuilt in ICDS by design and it is well established fact that successful implementation of the ICDS scheme depends, to a large extent,on related interdisciplinary inter- departmental efforts since the services of the scheme are interlinked and the beneficiaries are common. The ICDS services require the involvement of departments like Health, Education, Public Health Engineering, PRI etc in order to reach its objectives. With a view to have a proper co-ordination, the Government of Assam in pursuance of the Ministry of Women and Child Development, Govt. of India, has constituted different committees at different levels. These are mentioned below:

    State Level Co-ordination Committee

    This Committee is constituted by the Government of Assam to co-ordinate the programme and to ensure smooth flow of materials and services from different departments to ICDS. The committee reviews the progress of ICDS in state and suggests actions for proper implementation.

    State Level Advisory Committee for Monitoring and Supervising the Work of Construction of AWCs Building under Social Welfare Department

    The Committee meets once in three months to take stock of progress of AWC building construction.

    District Level Co-ordination Committee

    District level coordination committee coordinates with the departments concerned with ICDS and ensures smooth flow of services and supervise the amount & quality of supplementary nutrition with timely distribution.

    The committee meets once in three months or more often if necessary and the minutes of meetings are forwarded to the government for necessary action. The duties and responsibilities of the District Social Welfare Officers is based on activity mapping.

    District Level Monitoring, Vigilance and Review Committee

    A district level Monitoring, Vigilance and review Committee has been constituted for all districts (including Sixth Schedule Area).

    The committee convenes its meeting every six months (revised) instead of every quarter and makes an announcement of implementation of the scheme of the respective district and submit minutes to the State Government.                                                

    District Level Monitoring Committee for construction of Anganwadi Centre Building

    This Committee is constituted by the Government  on the 19th of March, 2009

    Block Level Co-ordination Committee

    The committee’s Member Secretary i.e. Child Development Project Officer places the record of activities taken up under SNP/ICDS and other schemes including persons with disabilities scheme before the committee and keep records of the proceeding of the committee, maintained in a separate register. The block level co-ordination committee meets on a quarterly basis or more often, if necessary. The Member Secretary of the committee forwards a copy of the meeting minutes to the Government for necessary action.

    Block Level Vigilance and Monitoring Committee

    The Member Secretary places the record of activities taken up under ICDS and SNP before the committee and keep record of the proceedings of the committee’s meetings in a separate register.

    The Committee meets once in every three months. The CDPO forwards a copy of minutes of the committee meeting to the District Social Welfare and Divisional Programme Officer concerned.

    Gaon Panchayat Level Co-ordination Committee

    The Gaon Panchayat Level Co-ordination Committee co-ordinates the programme of the different Departments concerned with ICDS and ensures smooth flow of the services to the Project areas of Anganwadi Centres in the village level. It also supervises timely and proper distribution of SNP, ICDS materials, and Construction of AWCs well as other schemes under Social Welfare Department. It advices the Government regularly about the implementation of the schemes. The duties and responsibilities of the Senior-most Supervisor are based on activity mapping as mentioned in the Notification. 

    The committee meets once in a month or more often, if necessary. Committee meetings are held at the premises of Gaon Panchayat office and meeting minutes are forwarded by the member secretary of the committee to concerned quarters. 

    Anganwadi Centre Management Committee (AWCMC)

    To ensure effective functioning of the Angawadi Centres and peoples participation in the management of AWCs, the Government of Assam has constituted the Angawadi Centre Management Committee in all the ICDS Projects of the State.

    The term of the Anganwadi Centre Management Committee remains for two years from the date of constitution. 

    Mothers Support Group (MSG): 

    Mothers of children registered in Anganwadi Centres together form a group known as Matri Sahayak Gut/Mothers Support Group that helps in management and supervision of ICDS scheme, mobilization of beneficiaries and counselling.