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Government Of Assam Women & Child Development Directorate of Women and Child Development

Domestic Violence Rules 2005

  • Form and manner of domestic incident report : a domestic incident report 

    (a) On receipt of a complaint or information, the protection officer or a service provider shall record domestic incident report under section 9(1)(b) or section 10(2)(a) of the Act, in the form prescribed in FORM 1 of schedule I

    (b) Such domestic incident report shall be signed by the aggrieved person or by any person giving such information

    (c) Information under Section 4(1) of the Act shall be either conveyed orally or in writing to the Protection Officer. Oral information shall be reduced to writing. Every such information, whether given in writing or reduced to writing as aforesaid, shall be signed by the person giving it. A copy of the information as recorded under (c) shall be given forthwith, free of cost to the informant.

    (d) Copy of Domestic Incident Report shall be provided to the aggrieved person free of cost.

    Applications to the Magistrate 

    (1) Applications to the magistrate under sec 37 (2) (d) and sec 12 for protection, residence orders and other relief's as provided under the Act shall be made in the

    manner prescribed  schedule I .

    (2) In case the person giving any information or aggrieved person is illiterate, the contents of the application shall be read over and explained to her, by the protection officer,bearing a thumb impression of the aggrieved person, and shall be forwarded to the concerned police station.

    (3) The applications under Section 12 of the Act shall be dealt with and the orders enforced in the manner prescribed under Section 125 of the Cr.PC

    For more information and the enclosed forms, refer to the link : Click Here