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Government Of Assam Women & Child Development Directorate of Women and Child Development

How Do I Surrender a Child


  • A parent or guardian wishing to surrender a child shall apply to the Child Welfare Committee 
  • For parents or guardians who are unable to give an application, due to illiteracy or any other reason, the Child Welfare Committee shall facilitate the same through the legal aid counsel provided by the Legal Services Authority.
  • The Specialised Adoption Agency and the Child Welfare Committee shall ensure that the surrendering parents or the legal guardian is made aware that they can reclaim the surrendered child only within a period of sixty days from the date of surrender


Surrendered child means a child, who is relinquished by the parent or guardian to the Committee, on account of physical, emotional and social factors beyond their control, and declared as such by the Committee.

Eligibility Criteria

According to the Guidelines given in the Adoption Regulation 2017 given in Schedule IV

Guidelines for filling the form

According to the Guidelines given in the Adoption Regulation 2017 given in Schedule IV

Documents Required

No Objection Certificate 

Conformity Certificate

Important Timeline

According to the Guidelines given in the Adoption Regulation 2017 given in Schedule IV

How to apply

According to the Guidelines given in the Adoption Regulation 2017 given in Schedule IV

Type of Service

Offline : Yes

Whom to Contact

State Adoption Resource Agency (SARA),
H.No.46, 1st Floor,
Survey Bus Stop, Beltola Road,
