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Government Of Assam Women & Child Development Directorate of Women and Child Development

How Do I Sponsor a Child


  • In all Sponsorship procedures it is important that the highest possible standards of practice are followed, within accepted principles
  • In accordance with the child’s age and level of development, he/she has the right to be consulted and to have his/her opinion taken into account in any matter or procedure affecting him/her.
  • The Fundamental principle is every child’s right to grow up in a family


Sponsorship means provision of supplementary support, financial or otherwise, to the families to meet the medical, educational and developmental needs of the child. In all Sponsorship procedures, the best interests of the child shall be the paramount consideration. The Fundamental principle behind these guidelines is every child’s right to grow up in a family.

Eligibility Criteria

According to the Guidelines for Sponsorship of Children under ICPS given in Schedule III

Guidelines for filling the form

According to the Guidelines for Sponsorship of Children under ICPS given in Schedule III

Documents Required

Undertaking by the parent to whom child is restored

According to the Guidelines for Sponsorship of Children under ICPS given in Schedule III

How to apply

According to the Guidelines for Sponsorship of Children under ICPS given in Schedule III

Schedule IIISponsorship GuidelinesDownload

Type of Service

Offline: Yes

Whom to Contact

State Adoption Resource Agency (SARA),
H.No.46, 1st Floor,
Survey Bus Stop, Beltola Road,
